#ForUkrainianPeople - IHUB Community in Solidarity with Refugees from Ukraine
27 February 2022

The ICT community is mobilizing to help refugees from Ukraine. As a sign of solidarity with those who fled the war and came into our country, in the coming days a series of actions will be carried out in support of refugee children and adults. Ukrainian citizens can call this phone number to find out all the details: +373 60 391 227
Collaboration and workspaces
Ukrainian citizens who want and have the opportunity to work remotely can come to the coworking space IHUB (31st August, 78, Chisinau) and the Center of Excellence in IT "Tekwill" (9/11 Students, Chisinau ), where they will benefit free of charge from all conditions necessary for the proper conduct of their work:
- Communication and work spaces, equipped with everything necessary to carry out their activity
- High-performance equipment with access to meeting rooms
- Internet connection
- Tea, coffee, water and other consumables
- Spaces designed for mothers with babies.
To reserve a place in the coworking spaces, it is necessary to fill in the following forms:
iHUB: https://www.ihub.md/coworking-ihub-green/book/free
Tekwill: https://tekwill.md/coworking
Artcor: https://artcor.md/ro/spatii
Access to educational resources
Tekwill offers free access to the www.tekwill.online platform, where refugee students have the opportunity to study 8 courses in the "Tekwill in Every School" program. The educational content is adapted for ages 13 to 19 and is also available in Russian, text, audio, video, and graphics. Students can individually create an access account and study at their choice which courses they want. To access the courses, it is necessary to complete this form
Training for children
Physical activities and training programs for children will also be organized by the "Tekwill Academy Kids" - an educational center for children and adolescents, specializing in information technology. The activities are aimed at children aged between 5 and 17. To participate, those interested can call the phone number 079744448 or fill in the form https://bit.ly/3pheCxh
The Youth Maker Club also organizes several activities for refugee children to explore technologies and develop their technical and creative skills. Participants can register at: https://bit.ly/35unV67
Support actions in the north of the country
In Balti, in partnership with an IT company and ACETI, Tekwill will arrange a space that will be equipped with laptops, on which programs in the Ukrainian language will be installed. The room can be used for online work, communication needs, or educational activities. There will also be more extracurricular activities for children, both online and offline.
Psychological assistance
War can also have a major impact on people's mental health. In order to help those who have lost both their home and their hope overnight, iHUB and Tekwill are going to provide them with psychological assistance.
The list of actions in support of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova is to be updated. All up-to-date information can be found on www.ihub.md, www.tekwill.md and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tekwill, https://www.facebook.com/ihubchisinau
Other useful links:
Information about crossing the border(https://border.gov.md/ro/ucraina)
Accommodation information (https://www.facebook.com/moldova4peace/)
Refugee hotline (http://bma.gov.md/en/content/%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE)
Call Center of the Migration and Asylum Office(http://bma.gov.md/ro)
First source - official news channel -https: //t.me/prima_sursa_md? Fbclid = IwAR16dXwXN-oYmCwpx_d3wWLuZQNEdxsGk0YB8qJ1265YTnKhdTmq4ntfrXY
Ministry of Finance(https://www.mf.gov.md/ro/content/ministerul-finan%C8%9Belor-deschis-un-cont-pentru-dona%C8%9Bii-umanitare-%C3%AEn-sus%C8%9Binerea-poporului)
Primaria Chisinau https://chisinau.md/libview.php?l=ro&idc=403&id=37369&t=/Presa/Comunicate-de-presa/span-stylecolorred-IMPORTANTspan-Primaria-Chiinau-a-deschis-conturi-bancare-in-lei-i-in-valuta-pentru-sustinerea-familiilor-care-se-refugiaza-din-Ucraina